The Story

You are an adventurer traveling the land, rescuing damsels in distress, slaying monstrosities, and helping the townsfolk.
One of the townsfolk in dire need of help is the local wizard.
He has dropped a magical ring in his "Fishing Well" and asked for your help to retrieve the ring.

A fishing side quest? Say no more!

Unfortunately you forgot your fishing rod at the local inn. The well’s bucket will have to do!

You will unearth (or unwater?) many a magic creature in this well. The wizard will gladly help you with wondrous upgrades to the bucket if you sell the creatures to him.

Will you reach the bottom of the well and retrieve the magical ring?


X/V - Confirm

Z/C - Shop item details

Arrow Keys - Movement


Between runs you can ask the wizard to upgrade your bucket.

Stone: Literally a stone, will increase your descent speed.

Rope: A longer rope to help you move sideways faster.


This is a submission for LOWREZJAM 2024 made using Pico-8. It is currently a demo version, more enemies and items will be added at a later point.


Izmotion - Programming, Game Design, Sound Effects, Narrative Design

Foofarawr - Art, Game Design, Narrative Design, itch Page Assets

Published 27 days ago
StatusIn development
AuthorsIzmotion, foofarawr
Made withPICO-8
TagsFishing, LOWREZJAM, PICO-8, Pixel Art, Roguelite


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This is adorable! It makes good use of the resolution restriction and the gameplay is quite addicting for such a small game. Nice work!

(1 edit) (+1)

Having a lot of fun with this one! I would love to see it on the Lexaloffle BBS as well (or at least a .p8.png download on itch) <3 The art and SFX are great! I love that this is a sort of fishing bullet hell hybrid with meta progression? Incredible.


Thank you so much!! The full release will definitely be posted everywhere with the .p8 file available for anyone to download and enjoy! Look forward to that!


Gorgeous splash and and overall a really nice look to the game! Theme is well integrated and gameloop feels nice. My only “issue” with it is how grindy the beginning is, I think it could have been toned down, if only for the jam’s time.

Other then that, well done! Good to see another PICO-8 entry!